Councillors & Duties

stensall village hall

Parish Clerk, office hours 9.30am -12.30pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the village hall.

Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month commencing at 6.30pm with the Planning Committee and followed at 7.15pm with the Parish Council. The fourth Tuesday at 6.30pm is a Planning Committee at 6.30pm. All meetings welcome members of the parish. Please see our calendar of events page for meeting dates.

City of York Website – Register of Interests

There are fourteen councillors:

Name Address Position Committees
Tony Fisher  


Chairman Planning, Finance, Cemetery, Playgrounds, Trees/Allotments/Open Spaces
Chris Chambers Vice Chairman Planning, Cemetery, Trees/Allotments/Open Spaces
Andrew Bolton Councillor, Planning Committee Chairman Planning, Finance
Lawrence Mattinson Councillor Planning
Susan Nunn Councillor Finance, Cemetery, Trees/Allotments/Open Spaces
Daniel Pillai Councillor
Christopher Tetley Councillor Planning, Playgrounds, Trees/Allotments/Open Spaces